Downside Up

Downside Up

Sometimes online business can feel sterile and lifeless; I try to address that by writing you a heartfelt note and passing on a personal recommendation of products, services, or supplements that I use as well. Plus, you’ll always receive “insider” information and announcements before the public gets wind of it! This is my way of personally saying thank you. I have some amazing things in the works for 2016 and I PROMISE you will be the first to hear about them. Now on to this week’s musing, “Downside Up.”

Giving Grace

Giving Grace

I found a $100.00 dollar bill that was lost years ago and was so happy! I stuck it in my wallet and thought about what I would use it for—a new shirt, a bottle of men’s cologne, a pair of jeans? While a man was sharing his life story with me, I heard a familiar voice deep from within say, “Are you going to buy yourself something with that $100 bill, or are you going to feed this man’s children?”  Although I lost that $100 a long time ago, the truth is that God kept it hidden for years until its owner arrived in my home! Before I realized what I was doing… 

A Heart of Thanksgiving

A Heart of Thanksgiving

...I would be remiss if I forgot to thank YOU, my Wholetones family, for your love, unselfish support, and prayers. You have no idea how your testimonies, notes of encouragement, and patronage throughout the year have touched my heart, THANK YOU!!! You have been a pivotal part of Wholetones reaching the nations. Check your email for a special, “thank you” gift via a “Black Friday” special on 11/27.

Riddle Me This…

Riddle Me This…

When I was a kid, I never missed an episode of the TV show Batman.  And I loved engaging with the “Riddler” in particular because his unique (albeit inherently criminal) method for taunting Gotham City always enticed me to exercise my crime-fighting Bat-brain to solve his riddles. Our own “Riddler” from the Wholetones Production Team,  Becky Smith, came up with a brilliant riddle-quiz to determine exactly which Wholetones frequency resonates with you personally

Exclusive Wholetones Customer Opportunity

The most exciting things are happening with Wholetones!  Here’s one in particular that you’re going to love…

Because we get flooded with personal testimonies of healing every day, we decided that it’s time to share them with a broader audience…

Those who have not yet visited us online will soon be able to see these wonderful testimonies on network television!

I can only imagine the wallop this is going to pack as viewers witness actual footage from our customers and healthcare professionals sharing—in their own words—how Wholetones has made a big difference in their lives and practices.  

I believe our world could use some good news for a change, don’t you?

So, here’s where YOU come in…

As I promised, being a loyal Wholetones family member means you’ll know about new releases and opportunities before anyone else does brought to you by these weekly emails.  That said… I have an exclusive time sensitive opportunity to offer you.  

Do you have a healing testimony that you would like to share with the world?  Would you like to be part of my television broadcast?  

Here all you have to do… grab your iPhone, droid, tablet, or laptop webcam and record your Wholetones experience and send it to,

We will choose between 15 to 20 stories to use in our upcoming television segment.  But here’s the catch… (in my best Schwarzenegger voice) you must do it now!  You will have only two weeks from receiving this email, to record and submit your entry.

Will you do your part?

Here are a couple of video recording tips:

  • Have someone help you so you can have your hands free and focus on your story
  • Speak clearly and naturally
  • Make sure that if you are using a smartphone that you record with the phone heldvertically NOT horizontally
  • And most important—have fun!

Remember… time is of the essence!  The sooner you record and submit your video, the sooner you can join me as I take Wholetones to the world through network television.  I’m honored to make this opportunity available to you and the ones that have experienced the benefits of healing first hand.  

So grab your iPhone, droid, tablet, or laptop webcam to record your Wholetones experience then send it to

A House In Order

A House In Order

When I get home from a trip, the mail is stacked up, the butterfly garden needs tending, pool needs water, household maintenance demands attention… you know the drill.  And to be honest, sometimes after a long period of burning the candle, you just want to sit on your, “blessed assurance,” for a couple of day’s and do… nothing!  In today’s culture rest is an often overlooked premium.  Yet, believe it or not, it’s crucial to your health and wellbeing.

Give Me a Break

Give Me a Break

...when I finished talking, one by one, each of the staff members pontificated on how they had worked longer hours than me and didn’t understand why I needed a break. I asked them if they knew what the word, viscosity meant, when no one answered, I continued, viscosity is an oils ability to lubricate, if the oil in your car loses its viscosity, soon your engine will breakdown from friction. After that meeting...