A Brand New Day

Greetings Fellow Wholetonians,

I have this uncanny sense that many of us will be experiencing a lot of “firsts” this year. It is really easy to get into a rut (a rut is just a grave with both ends kicked out!) and fall into the trap of mediocrity. When you have experienced the same thing day after day, year after year, it is easy to assume that life will always be black and white, even though you dream in Technicolor!

It is interesting that when you are in line at the grocery checkout, the aisle is conveniently stocked with magazines. These magazines all have an anonymous prophet named “they” who tells you all about yourself without ever meeting you! For example, they say that by age 30, you will have crow’s feet forming around your eyes … they say by age 40, men will have an accumulation of fat known as love handles and women will have muffin tops—the list goes on and on. Here is my question … who are “they” and where do “they” get their information? Are we all at the mercy of such predictions? Are “they” always right??? Of course not!!!!!!

We are constantly changing beings of inestimable value, virtually unpredictable and capable of unparalleled greatness! You are your own best prophet; your convictions as evidenced by your words are the key to your future. Years ago, I met a women in church who was convinced that she would die of a heart attack on her 33rd birthday because her mother died of a heart attack on her 33rd birthday. Try as they did, her counselors could not convince her otherwise. Sure enough, this precious woman dropped dead from a massive coronary on her 33rd birthday. In the same way, if you are convinced that goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life, they will!

Lamentations 3:22-23 says The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;  they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.

Each and every day is a brand new day. It is NOT yesterday and it isn’t tomorrow—it is the gift of today. That’s why it’s called the present. Instead of basing your current experience on your past or your future, live in the moment.

Psalm 118:24 says This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. 

Every day can be a “first” when you allow it to be all that God has designed it to be. When we get out of God’s way, we find the blessing in every second, minute, and hour of each 24-hour measure of our journey. Remember, nothing shall be impossible for those who believe; therefore, anything is possible today. I will leave you with this thought: when we were children, we didn’t wear watches, look at calendars, or keep a ledger; we lived out loud, used our imagination, and enjoyed the day until it was time to sleep and dream… until the next, brand new day.

Be Whole,
Michael S. Tyrrell