Up Close & Personal

Dearest Wholetonians,

Wow, what an amazing year this has been! Wholetones TO GO, has surpassed my greatest expectations, Chroma, continues to light up living rooms, indoor gardens, therapy rooms, etc. Wholetones Christmas, has been a favorite consistently, and is already ramping up again… the closer we get to the holidays. And Wholetones is still by far the benchmark favorite that is being heard around the world! Which brings me to the point of this weeks letter, “Up Close & Personal.”

Due to popular demand, (yes, people keep asking me!”) I have decided to share the Wholetones experience…in person! In fact, it will be the ONLY live event I will be doing in 2016. You see, I have mentioned in past Tuesday emails, my desire to transform the impersonal nature of online business, by making it personal. Some of you have received personal phone calls from me, as well as these Tuesday musings. Others of you that needed to contact our customer support team, found them personable and were always referred to as a person, not merely an order number. Now I am going to begin to expand that personal touch with a very intimate night of music…and much more! Imagine, a room full of Wholetones, love, and great people. And it doesn’t stop there…there will be audience interaction, with breaks between the music for personal Q and A from the audience.  We will even have a sneak preview of the newest Wholetones recording I just finished, coming out in January 2017… but those in attendance will get to hear it first! And I am not coming alone, my dear friend, Sundui Chimidkhorloo, the Mongolian master musician who has played piano, keyboards, and horse-head violin on every Wholetones recording will be with me too!!!

In this, “soundbite” culture we are immersed in, where things are vague and bold caps are used in place of emotion, there is a famine of the human touch. I believe that there is no way to really know someone until you get to look them in the eyes, hear their voice (frequency) live and in person. Our world is hurting, people are divided, peace is a rare commodity, the love of many has grown cold. I want to change the world, one note, one heart, one night at a time, and all I can promise is, if you come to this event, you will leave full, hopeful, and truly loved…I promise. If it is impossible to attend because of your geographical location, you can still be a part in a powerful way… pray for us, and this special event, as I am sure this will be an epic evening. I will include a link to the live event at the conclusion of this email. I hope to see you there…Up Close and Personal!

Be Whole,
Michael S. Tyrrell

CLICK HERE to get your tickets to Wholetones LIVE!

An accomplished author, speaker, and well-known musician, Michael S. Tyrrell began developing Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project after a visit to Israel yielded an unexpected but divine event. Michael met a piano player who gave him what appeared to be a simple manuscript. Inside that manuscript was the music that would change Michael’s life forever. As he began working with it, he discovered 7 hidden musical frequencies that had the power to heal the mind, body, and spirit. This is what makes Wholetones unlike anything else of its kind. Since its release in November, 2014, thousands of people are feeling better than they have in years and they’ve flooded Michael with letters to say Wholetones is the reason. Please visit http://www.wholetones.com to see the whole story and discover the secret to wellness through music.